On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 12:10 -0400, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Glad we could help; but you found the real problem, so pat yourself on the back!
> :>

Sorry to say that: Seems that I was glad too early. The connections
lasted for a while. I even transferred some files via ftp from molch
to lapmolch. Large files (>2M). Then all of a sudden the connection
became shaky. A ping showed 90% packet loss. The screen on lapmolch
showed "eth0 time out waiting..." every 3 or 4 seconds.

Now sensing that it may be a heat problem in the notebook I switched
it off for a couple of hours. Switching it on again I get no
connection between the 2 machines.
Then I start my dial-up on molch to my isp. After that my internal
connection worked again!
So it seems to be pure coincidence with that loose screw! Something
with the routing on molch doesn't work.
OK, so I have to fire up my isdn first and then everything works.
That doesn't explain the shaky connection before, though.
> > Now to something totally different....

> Do you have enough memory on lapmolch?  I never traced the ftp install; but mine
> would bomb because ftp requires more than my laptop's 32MB to install.  NFS on
> the other hand does not need to buffer the files during transfer.  Check the
> virtual consoles for error messages...

Hmm, I tried to make a ftp-install with the SuSE system but it told
me my memory is too small (well, my notebook's, that is!). I have 64M
in there.
The Mandrake system doesn't complain about memory and all I read
about ftp-install never says anything about memory. Although there is
not much written about that topic anyway.
> Send the trace file created with:  tcpdump -w tracefile

I read a bit about NFS and it seems to be a lot of work to configure!

Now having the mini-net working again, I tried the installation
again. Everything works until it tries to load the 1. file from the
"Unable to retrieve the second stage ramdisk: File not found on
And console 3 tells me:
to a fd" and sits there.
/misc2 is the directory I get in when doing anonymous ftp with molch.
This works. The files are there too. But the install program doesn't
see them.

I guess I have to live with that now. I installed a X system and now
I'm looking for an Emacs package to install on the Slackware system.
Pity I can't get Mandrake to run, though!

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