On Tue Apr 24, 2001 at 10:35:38PM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:

> Todd...
> What's wrong with Maxtor? Thats what I'm running now. in fact, that's all
> I've ever run with Linux. I've got two of them in my Mandrake 7.2 box here
> at home. 13GB and 3.5GB. this things runs for months at a time without any
> hiccups. I've got another machine that's an older Dell with a Quantum
> Fireball in it that's a screamer.
> but I love my Maxtors.

Maxtor works very well here.  I have about 11 Maxtor drives here in
various machines without any problems from any of them (purchase dates
ranging from a few months ago to a few years ago).  The only drive I
had go t*ts up on me was a WD Caviar a few years ago (2.5GB, so a real
long time ago!)... I haven't touched WD since then...  Absolutely no
problems with Maxtor (good price and good performance for me).

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