I have Quake3 working flawlessly in Mandrake 8.0, just like I had it working 
flawlessly in 7.2. I'm having no sound problems whatsoever. I'm using a Sound 
Blaster Live, which I noticed doesnt give me any problems even while I'm 
playing MP3s in  xmms and hearing sounds from other apps while I'm still 
playing Q3.

On Monday 30 April 2001 16:26, John Wolford wrote:
> I almost hate to take the bait like this, but what the hell....
> Praedor: Why'd you switch to 8.0 anyway? To get the latest, the greatest,
> right? But most any distro that puts out a new major version is going to
> have the cutting edge stuff - which is likely always going to be fairly
> buggy. So you can switch off to any other distro, and then when that distro
> comes out with the newest and bestest, you'll upgrade and likely have more
> problems. Or you could join the ranks of those who don't take 7.0 but wait
> for 7.1 and 7.2, and who don't take 8.0 but wait for 8.1 etc.
> But whatever, and good luck getting those games going! Have fun :-)
> j
> --- Praedor Tempus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > By all indications, it appears to me that the combination of Mandrake 8.0
> > and
> >
> > KDE 2.1.1 is the most game-unfriendly combination I have ever come across
> > in the linux world.
> >
> > I have Terminus, Myth II, and Heretic II, all linux games.  Not a single
> > one of them will play properly under Mandrake 8.0 but they did play VERY
> > well under 7.2.
> >
> > With Heretic II and Myth II, you have a choice:  play the games without
> > soundfx (because artsd will not release /dev/dsp so anything else can use
> > it)
> >
> > OR kill artsd, which prevents the games from starting at all (don't ask
> > me why this is).
> >
> > With Terminus, who know WHAT the problem is.  I even tried deleting the
> > whole
> >
> > thing and then reinstalling the game from scratch.  No dice.  The problem
> > here is that the game wont produce ANY informational content at all.  No
> > error messages, nothing.  No CPU activity of any kind.  It is as if one
> > is starting an empty binary, but this isn't the case.  Under Mandrake
> > 7.2, all three of these games played flawlessly.
> >
> > Among the problems that people have been coming across with the latest
> > Mandrake release, add "linux games don't work worth a damn in Mandrake
> > 8.0".
> >
> > If this cannot be corrected in 8.0, then I will have to go to another
> > distro (seriously). I specifically bought linux games to specifically
> > support linux gaming and help drive further development of linux games
> > (and to enjoy the games, of course).  Please tell me there is a fix for
> > this problem? --
> > Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.
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