Woody Green wrote:

> Nathan wrote:
> > Jerry,
> >
> > Thanks for trying to help with this, if I manage to fix this problem I'll
> > probably give up Windows all together.
> >
> >
> >>What is your agp status?  Enabled or Disabled. and agp driver says
> >>
> >
> > cat /proc/nv/card0 brings up the following -
> >
> > NVRM Version: 1.0-769
> > Model: Riva TNT2 Ultra
> > IRQ 11
> > AGP status: Disabled
> > AGP driver:
> > Bridge: Ali M1541
> > SBA: Supported [Disabled]
> > FW: Unspoorted [Disabled]
> > Rates: 2x 1x
> >
> >
> Nathan,
> In your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, go to the Device section and add a line:
> Options "NvAGP" "3"
> This will tell the NVidia driver to try using *either* the interal AGP
> routines or failing that, fall back to agpgart.  The default is 1 which
> is internal only.  On my system, (VIA based MVP3 chipset) the NVidia
> internal AGP code doesn't work.  If you like, you can use 2 also which
> is to try agpgart only.  I had your same problem until I added the
> option line and told it to try agpgart.
> Enjoy,
>       Woody

Another thing you can try is CAREFULLY :) reading the file os-registry.c which
comes with the nvidia kernel tarball. nvidia's own install file is incorrect
when it comes to certain cards, including mine, the tnt2 m64. The m64 readme
that comes with the kernel tarball itself is also bullshit. I had to read the
actual developer notes inside os-registry.c and work out what I needed to
change to get my card to work. All the AGP settings are set in that file. My
AGP did not give me grief, so I don't know exactly how to help you, so read and
potentially edit that file and see how it goes.

Kind regards,
Hylton Clarke

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