Have you or anyone else had luck running VMWare under the new 2.4.x kernels?  I 
can't get the modules to compile


Quoting Benjamin Sher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Dear friends:
> I've been trying to configure VMware for my Windows 98 /mnt/windows partition.
> I have an AMD K6-2 400, 128 meg of RAM. Installation of  the VMware rpm went 
> off perfectly. I am speaking of the interactive installation procedure (I 
> think it's  called the file "vmware-config.pl").
> I have a dual-boot LM 8.0/Win98 SE system. Linux is on hda and hdb and 
> Windows is on hdc, with the CD-Rom is on hdd.
> I read the instructions on VMware's support page, changed the permissions on 
> the hda, hdb, hdc and hdd and then configured hdc as a raw disk. 
> The great thing about the latest VMware 2.04  for dual-boot systems is that 
> you do NOT have to actually install Windows in a virtual disk. You can just 
> invoke the ACTUAL, REAL Windows on your /mnt/windows partition directly from 
> within VMware. I know that to be true. I have done it. I just don't know how 
> to do it right, and I would rather not proceed until I am sure of what I am 
> doing.
> The instructions say clearly to UNmount /mnt/windows BEFORE configuring 
> VMware.
> First obvious question: Do you RUN Vmware with hdc as raw disk with 
> /mnt/windows MOUNTED OR UNMOUNTED? That is, do you have to UNmount 
> /mnt/windows every time you run VMware in this case or do you run Vmware with 
> /mnt/windows mounted?"
> I am afraid to proceed any further. I tried and experimented with various 
> configurations, but I think it's time for me to quit experimenting. I am just 
> an ordinary user and I'd rather not jeopardize my LM 8.0 installation.
> I'd appreciate it if someone who has a how-to or step-by-step instructions in 
> plain English for my specific situation could direct me a web site where I 
> could find out how to configure Vmware properly, not only the /mnt/windows on 
> a dual-boot system but all the other details that are a part of it.
> Thank you.
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net
> Benjamin and Anna Sher

[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]  
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]

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