Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Here's the IPmasq I used to use when I ran ppp...

Looks pretty much like the example at
http://www.linux-firewall-tools.com/linux/faq/index3-6.html#ss6.5 that I
found after my earlier comments.
> Don't use it as is!  It was created with the firewall tool you "yuck"ed... :^)

The yuck was the effort to find it and needing to spend more time trying
to understand what to me is a difficult subject. The way I've heard
people say "just set up a Linux firewall" made me think there ought to
be an easier way to get there. The subject is covered by several howtos
that keep referring to each other, making me feel like I'm reading in
circles. *-p
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under
control.                Proverbs 29:11 NKJV

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.members.atlantic.net/

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