On 31 May, Sarang Lakare wrote:
>> You are indeed missing something--look at the amount used for buffers and
>> cache.  This can be freed by the system when a program issues a malloc()
>> call.  It can be grabbed again from the free memory pool when the program
>> releases it and turned to the same purpose, making your machine run faster.
> Yes.. agreed.. I know it.. but look at this :
>> > [root@vv17 /root]# free
>> >              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
>> > Mem:        899952     556784     343168          0     170032     265936
>> > -/+ buffers/cache:     120816     779136
>> > Swap:      1791208     118408    1672800
>> > [root@vv17 /root]#
> This is how I interpret it :
> total used = 556MB
> buffers = 170MB
> cached = 256MB

Try the attached file. I thought it gave interesting information.

Laurent Duperval <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ce sabot pensant de Kid Ordinn a failli ruiner la réputation du Sud.
Heureusement que je suis là! C'est une questiond de patriotisme!
                                                  -Dog Bull


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