Konqueror will use the fonts specified in the web page or its associated style
sheet (CSS). You will need to find a solution that overrides this. Maybe you
could set up your own style sheet, or possible use the accessability stylesheet,
which allows you to set base font sizes, etc. Look in kcontrol->Web
Browsing->Style Sheets.

I guess there are other solutions, like aliasing bad looking fonts for good
looking ones in xftconfig or else where.


Kernell32 wrote:

> Hi i have fixed the fonts as suggested on muo and other pages yep my fonts in
> kde look very nice everywhere in kde, in the kde control panel i have them
> almost default most are helvetica and they look good on the desktop toolbars
> etc. really nice!
> Also in kmail and other kde apps nothing to complain .
> Only konqueror messes them up i dont understand that, i followed all
> instructions to fix that and in konqueror webbrowser i use the same font as
> anywhere else helvetica and minimum font size 12 and as soon as i go to a
> webpage ie: http://neworder.box.sk the fonts look messed up almost anarectik.
> how is that possible if i have all fonts set to the same as in all other apps?
> (it looks like they are not even helvetica even though i set them ALL to be
> helvetica)

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