On Sun Jul 29, 2001 at 08:11:25PM -0500, Michael D. Viron wrote:

> I would have to say that the people working on this are serious about
> building srpms / rpms that are up-to-date, and will work on Mdk 7.2...  I
> don't know if
> we will end up providing rpms for everything (since some srpms rebuild with
> no problems), but we will try to provide srpms / rpms at least for those
> that don't build properly.  If we do want to provide 7.2 rpms for all
> cooker srpms (and our modified ones), then we should see if Mandrake will
> provide us with some disk space on their ftp servers (or others), since I
> personally don't have the disk space for it.
> I've tested 132 RPMs so far, which is nowhere near completed (results are
> attached).  I just did a du, and there is another 1.5 GB worth of srpms.

I have plenty of room for these rpms and this is exactly the purpose
of www.rpmhelp.net.  Please visit the site for instructions on how to
go about contributing packages... I have over 20GB of available room
(but if we get that many files in there, we might want mirrors).


For an example of what the packages will look like, look at the
sidebar Traktopel RPMS and Odyssey RPMS links.

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