On Mon 13 Aug at 20:32:07 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] done said:
> i was considering buying a digital camera, and was wondering which one has 
> the leaset problems working with linux? is usb or serial the way to go for 
> linux usage???

I've had my Nikon CoolPix 950 for probably a little over two years now
and I can't say enough good things about it.  It's been highly rated by
Consumer Reports every year and its serial connection works great with 
gphoto (although I haven't used gphoto in a while).  

If you have a laptop and end up getting a camera with a flash card, I'd
highly suggest picking up one of the PCMCIA adapters for it and you just
slap it in to the PCMCIA slot and linux simply sees it as another drive
(hde in my case).  Just do a 'mount -t vfat /dev/hde1
/mnt/<mount_point>' and boom, there's all your pics!

Just to keep flapping my gums, I saw in Circuit City a couple weeks ago
that Sony's making some now that burn its images straight onto a 152Mb(?)
cdrom.  Thought that was pretty cool too.  Anyway...


GPG Key fingerprint = 4F36 EC4F 2F2C 5F59 9690  09E5 4C0F 9DB0 8623 53CE
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