What don't work? The sharing or your connection to the Internet? 

I've read a message sometime ago about DHCP... 

I don't know what kind of connection do you have, but I remember that if you use
a connection from At Home, you receive, besides the dinamic ip address, a host
name, and without that host name your connection donīt work.



> "George Jones (IT)" wrote:
> I'm trying to set up my 8.1 box to share out my net connection to the rest of
> my pc's.
> eth0 - cable connection comes in here, get's it's ip addy via dhcp.
> eth1 - connects to the hub.
> I walked through the "wizard" to get this setup. After completing it,
> everything should have been working, right? Nope. There doesn't appear to be
> any way for me to check this configuration as it just tries to go through the
> wizard again. ifconfig shows both nics and loopback device.
> Is there something I'm missing here? How do I configure it further (setting up
> dhcp server, etc)
> George Jones IV
> Store Systems Support
> Borders Group Inc.


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