I posted this to the newbie list but only got one reply so I thought i would try here.
Hey yall, I have a clean install of LM 8.1 and I can not get my users web sites to come up. When you type the URL //domainname.edu/~user I get an error telling me I do not have permission to access it. I have done this before and the only thing I can think of is that this time during the install I chose medium instead of low on the security setting because this box is on the net all the time with a static IP running Apache, ProFTPd and SSH. The domain web site comes up fine it is just the users sites that are a problem. I have looked in the httpd config files and it has entries that look to me like it should work but what I know about configuring Apache is just enough to mess something up. Can any of you give me a hand?
> I think your problem may simply be permissions on the files and
> directories where the pages are stored.
> Keith Lynn
> Systems Administrator
> School of Computer and Information Sciences
> University of South Alabama
Well, in testing after I found it was not working with my personal login I
logged in with my test account created the public_html directory, started
Netscape Composer typed this is a test and saved it as index.html in my
public_html directory I just made. That has always been fine in the past.
Does setting the security level to medium change the default permissions to
where that will not work?

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