I think the post you inclued below is still hitting the head on the
nail, but first, let's check out a few things.  

[root@r2d2 /root]# /etc/init.d/httpd status

Apache is running.
httpd: 27520 27519 1308 19629 19628 19627 19310 19309 19308 19307 1074

Apache-mod_perl is running.
httpd-perl: 1064 1063 1062 1061 1060

Use /etc/init.d/httpd extendedstatus for more information.

If you see that, it's running, that's not the issue.  IF you don't get
something like that, then start it.  Change the status above to start,
and it should do the trick. 

At which, do check the permisions, but it's not just the permissions of
~/public_html it's also the permissions of $HOME, and everything in the

Directories need to be 0755, including your $HOME.  Any file in
public_html need to be 0644.

chmod 0755 $HOME $HOME/public_html
chmod 0644 HOME/public_html/*

Make sure when you create other folders inside your ~/public_html, that
you set the permissions to 0755 and 0644.

Give that a try and then let us know if that did it.  But from what
you've said, I'm pretty sure that will fix your problem.

**  Side note  **
You may need to restart NUTSCRAPE.  It's real good for caching
information, even when you told it to refresh.  At times you may even
need to remove the cache entirely.  a rm ~/.netscape/cache/* -Rf will
do the trick for ya.  If you're using something different like Opera,
you should be good go!

  T. Holmes  |  UNIXTECHS.org  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | I posted this to the newbie list but only got one reply so I thought i would try 
 | Hey yall, I have a clean install of LM 8.1 and I can not get my users web sites to 
 |come up. When you type the URL //domainname.edu/~user I get an error telling me I do 
 |not have permission to access it. I have done this before and the only thing I can 
 |think of is that this time during the install I chose medium instead of low on the 
 |security setting because this box is on the net all the time with a static IP running 
 |Apache, ProFTPd and SSH. The domain web site comes up fine it is just the users sites 
 |that are a problem. I have looked in the httpd config files and it has entries that 
 |look to me like it should work but what I know about configuring Apache is just 
 |enough to mess something up. Can any of you give me a hand?
 | > I think your problem may simply be permissions on the files and
 | > directories where the pages are stored.
 | >
 | > Keith Lynn
 | > Systems Administrator
 | > School of Computer and Information Sciences
 | > University of South Alabama
 | Well, in testing after I found it was not working with my personal login I
 | logged in with my test account created the public_html directory, started
 | Netscape Composer typed this is a test and saved it as index.html in my
 | public_html directory I just made. That has always been fine in the past.
 | Does setting the security level to medium change the default permissions to
 | where that will not work?
  -----------------------------Uptime -------------------------------
  5:48PM  up 37 days,  6:28, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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