hello to all;

this does not apply to all that receive this, but it does give all
something to think about.

ok, you html nuts,

i am not flaming you, but i am going to blast you, not just you, but
all in general who insist on sending html email to list such as these.

please do not take offense, but try to understand what you can
cause by sending html.

i too received virus, which was an html message, but it did not
get into my system. it is still sitting at my isp.

why? simple. in locking down my system, i have set my maximum
message size to block any messages over 35k bytes.

in doing so, i keep a lot of crap from coming in. viruses,
worms, trojans and a lot of junk mail.

now, because it is not on my system, i can log my isp, open up
my mail account with imp, which i do not like, and kill off this
email that you are complaining about.

i use norton anti virus which may have caught it, but then again,
it may not have.

think about this. someone sends and html post to list, someone
else replies with html, then another replies to both in html,
and none bother to cut out unneeded quotes, which can build a
message to a rather large size of junk that does not need to be.
this building of html crap has casued 'x-mozilla-status: 0400'
to occur with some emails for lists.

on my systems, i filter all html that comes to these list and
because of time it takes to edit out html labels, i may not get
to it for several days. when i do, i usually end up with a file
that is anywhere from 1/3 to 1/5 of original size.

most viruses, worms and trojans will take up a lot of k bytes
to send, as most of them are written in compiled c and c++ and
vb [yuk]. not a very compact form of code writing. and makes for
one more way off trapping what i do not want in my systems.

another problem with html, is that it can be used to auto log a
site and download viruses, worms and trojans. sometimes with out
reader ever knowing that download is going on.

so, once again, for your safety, and rest of members of these
lists, _p_l_e_a_s_e_, do not send html messages. show your
consideration along with intelligence. stop supporting crazies
that like to wreck havoc.

if you must play with html, play with it on you internet
home pages.

thank you for your time.



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   send text email..   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
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