Title: RE: [expert] viruses, worms, trojans, html, pgp sigs

Some of us (yes, me!) have no choice, it seems. I'm forced to use Outlook here at Borders corporate offices. Even when set to plain text, it looks like the Exchange servers are set to convert to either rich text or to html.

At home, I usually send plain text in outlook express, but I recently "discovered" Sylpheed and have adopted it as my primary mail client.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Scottaline [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] viruses, worms, trojans, html, pgp sigs

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:33:34 +0000
g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello to all;
> this does not apply to all that receive this, but it does give all
> something to think about.
> ok, you html nuts,
> i am not flaming you, but i am going to blast you, not just you, but
> all in general who insist on sending html email to list such as these.
> please do not take offense, but try to understand what you can
> cause by sending html.
> i too received virus, which was an html message, but it did not
> get into my system. it is still sitting at my isp.
> why? simple. in locking down my system, i have set my maximum
> message size to block any messages over 35k bytes.
I agree with your diatribe v. html mail, but another solution to at least
90% of your concerns would be to stop using windows 98 (where you had sent
the message from).  Good idea to use Mozilla (as you seem to) and not
Outlook, but Linux is immune to most of the virii out there that are
really designed to exploit windows machines. ;o)

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