On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 23:11, Mark D'voo wrote:
> I have an extra ide harddrive which needs to be shared between windows and 
> linux.  It's formated using fat cause windows blows and won't read anything 
> else.  I can read from this drive just fine, but my question is, is there 
> anyway to mount this drive (/dev/hdd1) on boot with permissions so everyone 
> in linux can write to it?  I hate having to switch to root to write to this 
> drive.  I know that the reason this is done is for security (so you don't 
> accidently have one of your linux users delete your whole windows drive :), 
> but windows isn't on this drive.  any ideas?

Create a user group called 'users' (or whatever), and make every user a
part of that group. Then, set (in fstab) ownership of the
drive/partition to root ("uid=0" -- it probably defaults to this), but
set the group to 'users' ("gid=100" -- or whatever the gid for your
group is) and allow read/write for both owner and group. You will also
want to set "umask=2", so that when files and directories are created,
their permissions are 775.

My actual windows partition line in fstab looks like this:
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat 
        codepage=850 0 0

(Remove the line wrapping). Works perfectly on both of my dual-boot
systems. Everything there was set by Mandrake at install time, except
the changes I mention above.

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