On Sat, 2002-01-12 at 18:07, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> I've been digging at this for a while. There "is" a way to add icons to
> the desktop in Gnome, for starting applications.
> I'm part way there, but stuck.
> If I add a deffinition file in ~/.gnome-desktop, I can get the icon on
> the desk, and even start the appication, but I always get errors (the
> exact error depends on the applicaion I'm launching).
> Does anyone know the secret behind making this work? It's a piece of
> cake in KDE, but a bit more of a mystery in Gnome.
> I know it "can" be done. RedHat & Mandrake both add their stuff to it.
> It's just not documented anywhere that I can find. I'd settle for being
> pointed at a document.
> Thanks!!!


There's a GUI wat to do, if that's what you want. Depending on whether
you are using Nautilus or GMC to draw your desktop, it is a bit
different. In GMC, just right-click the desktop, and choose Launcher.
This will create a shortcut icon, and brings up a dialog box allowing
you to specify the program to run (use the full path to the executable),
what icon to use, and what permissions you want. Piece of cake. In
Nautilus, it is similar, unfortunately I don't remember the exact popup
menu option to choose (I got rid of Nautilus pretty quick, because it
bogged down my 366 MHz Celeron really bad).

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