Dave Sherman wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-01-12 at 18:07, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> > I've been digging at this for a while. There "is" a way to add icons to
> > the desktop in Gnome, for starting applications.
> > I'm part way there, but stuck.
> >
> > If I add a deffinition file in ~/.gnome-desktop, I can get the icon on
> > the desk, and even start the appication, but I always get errors (the
> > exact error depends on the applicaion I'm launching).
> >
> > Does anyone know the secret behind making this work? It's a piece of
> > cake in KDE, but a bit more of a mystery in Gnome.
> >
> > I know it "can" be done. RedHat & Mandrake both add their stuff to it.
> > It's just not documented anywhere that I can find. I'd settle for being
> > pointed at a document.
> >
> > Thanks!!!
> Ric,
> There's a GUI wat to do, if that's what you want. Depending on whether
> you are using Nautilus or GMC to draw your desktop, it is a bit
> different. In GMC, just right-click the desktop, and choose Launcher.
> This will create a shortcut icon, and brings up a dialog box allowing
> you to specify the program to run (use the full path to the executable),
> what icon to use, and what permissions you want. Piece of cake. In
> Nautilus, it is similar, unfortunately I don't remember the exact popup
> menu option to choose (I got rid of Nautilus pretty quick, because it
> bogged down my 366 MHz Celeron really bad).

If there's a GUI for this, I sure can't find it! :)
I've about torn this thing to pieces looking.
If it's there, it's well hidden! 

Ric Tibbetts

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