I think that you can do this... moe's machine has two ip's... one static (NIC),
one dynamic (modem ppp dial-up)...

joe's ip is static (NIC) and at the same network that moe's NIC. I think that
the NFS shouldn't have been affected... if it uses the NIC's to share files and
internet connection. The problem is that I'm not used with that config of
yours... I've no idea how to help you...

Ken Thompson wrote:
> On Sunday 20 January 2002 09:27 pm, you wrote:
> > Another way would be to configure your DHCP server to use Dynamic DNS,
> > since (if I remember correctly) you can put hostnames in the
> > /etc/exports file rather than IP addresses.
> >
> > On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 20:29, jose orlando t. ribeiro wrote:
> > > I think that the easiest way to do NFS in a network with DHCP is to
> > > set-up the MAC address of the NFS server to receive always the same
> > > ip-address... This way, you can use the same /etc/exports file and,
> > > since the NFS server receive it's ip address from the DHCP server, you
> > > don't have to worry if you set up a fixed address in the NFS server and
> > > somebody getting that ip...
> > >
> > > HTH
> > >
> > > orlando
> Thanks guys, both are good suggestions but over my head for now.
> Lets look at this from a different angle;
> Let's make a simple 2 computer network sharing files using NFS,
> call them joe at and moe at 192.168.1 101.
> Joe has /home/moe mounted on /mnt/moe and moe has /home/joe mounted on
> /mnt/joe.
> Now joe decides he wants to remove his modem and the telephone line for it
> and share moe's connection to the internet.
> So far, so good - - UNTIL: using the wizard changes the network over to DHCP
> and now neither joe nor moe can share files...
> Now in nearly everything I read it is expected that you (the user) are using
> a broadband connection and have 2 NIC cards in yer machine <not>.....
> Moe has a dialup connection and joe has just trashed his modem and line...
> Now what????? How do they get file sharing back???
> Single NIC per machine and 1 modem in the moe machine.
> I thought at first I should be able to use the moe machine's IP for the
> gateway for the joe machine but that didn't seem to work, or possibly I just
> configured it wrong.. BUT there has to be a way to use the existing NFS
> network and still get Internet connection sharing..
> Any thought's??
> Thanks all,
> Ken Thompson, North West Antique Autos
> Payette, Idaho
> http://www.nwaa.com
> Sales and brokering of antique autos and parts.
> Linux- Coming Soon To A Desktop Near You
> Registered Linux User #183936
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