on one of the snf mail lists there was a thread where i got told off!:-)
for not reading advisories on how to update snf with regards to httpd-naat 
and apache, i forget which list but if iirc the procedure is to download the 
update rpms manually and to update apache first manually and then httpd-naat, 
naat-frontend-www-en manually, also iirc you have to uninstall httpd-naat 
first with --nodeps because of problems with some script or other, i had to 
reinstall recently after a failed upgrade to the new snf on cooker adn what i 
did was, install fresh, run the update from the web interface, note down all 
the rpms listed for upgrade and then fetch them manually, then, uninstalled 
httpd-naat and naat-frontend-www-en both --nodeps, then i uninstalled apache, 
php, mod_php, mod_auth_external (all these rpm names from memory) and some 
others - they were all listed as dependencies of the newer version of apache 
- using --nodeps, then i installed the newer apache and its dependencies, 
followed by httpd-naat, naat-backend and naat-frontend-www-en nad then any 
durng this process i noticed that i got a message saying that perl was not in 
the rpm database (or similar), it might be a good idea to make updating perl 
the first job before anythin else so that the rpm database has it listed
anyway snf is now updated, i have all the users i should have, running update 
lists all the mirrors (doesn't find any updates presumably because there 
aren' any), and https://snfhost:8443 lets me in fine, whether this is the 
recommended way to do things i can't say but it seems to have worked for me
the list that this got discussed in was either:
what archives exist i'm not sure


On Saturday 26 January 2002 3:19 am, you wrote:
> I've been "playing" with this on a P75 with 24Mb RAM where it goes onto the
> box either via the graphical install or the text install without any
> dramas. In this box I have 2 NIC's and both are detected very well.  The
> major hurdle I have now is trying to apply the updates.
> Httpd-naat (original) has a problem finding the offical mirrors - known
> problem and reason for the updated package.  I manually download updates
> from an official mirror.
> Httpd-naat wipes out the default user and refuses to run at all.
> Kernel updates goes well, but some of the modules are not found in the
> newer version during boot.
> Apache breaks totally once the update is installed - no socket error from
> "links";, which worked on the original packages.
> "urpmi webmin" can't locate the required perl-Net_SSLeay-1.05-4mdk package.
> Has anyone tested the update packages listed in the official updates
> directory with a clean install of snf7.2?
> In light of the problems I've experienced above, would it be about time for
> a newer version of snf7.2 to be released?

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