--- David Guntner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Steve
Kieu grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> >
> > The VM in the kernel 2.4.x has problems this is a
> > _hot_ topic in the LKML; so the kernel in MDK8.1
> > 
> > >From my experience I use 2.4.13 and it is quite
> good

The kernel I mentioned is the official 2.4.13; it is
quite strange to see and understand why 2.4.13 VM is
different from any others, I compiled it and use for a
ancient box 486 16Mb RAM and running XFree86 3.0.6;
when X is up with fvwm95 the free memory is still
1.2Mb with no swap used !.

After starting netscape, swap used around 3Mb

But if you try even the latest kernel (2.4.17) the
result is different. (worse). You can go to
ftp://ftp.kernel.org/  to download.

To know the actually kernel version u are running u
can use

uname -a

> [davidg@rhpsfan2 davidg]$ rpm -q -a|egrep kernel
> kernel-source-2.4.8-26mdk
> kernel-doc-2.4.8-26mdk
> kernel-headers-2.4.8-26mdk
> kernel-2.4.8-26mdk
> [davidg@rhpsfan2 davidg]$
> Looks like I'm running 2.4.8 (-26?).  So I guess an
> upgrade is in order.  
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Is that kernel available
> in the "updates" 
> directory for 8.1 at the nearest mirror site?
>                   --Dave
> >  --- David Guntner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > >
> > > I'm running 8.1.
> > > 
> > > After starting my system, I've noted the amount
> of
> > > memory and swap space 
> > > being used on a "top" display.  After a reboot,
> > > there's always 0 swap being 
> > > used.  I've noticed that the longer the system
> runs,
> > > the more memory 
> > > resources show up being used, and the bigger the
> > > used swap space gets.  I 
> > > came home from a trip recently to find my Linux
> box
> > > stopped for no apparent 
> > > reason, and after a reboot, none of the system
> logs
> > > showed any errors at 
> > > the point where the system stopped.  I've pretty
> > > much got the same things 
> > > running all the time.  I'm beginning to think
> that
> > > *something* has a nasty 
> > > memory leak, but I don't have a clue as to what.
>  Is
> > > there a way to 
> > > identify programs that have memory leaks? 
> Something
> > > that can track the 
> > > memory usage of program running in the system or
> > > whatever?
> > > 
> > > Any ideas?
> -- 
>       David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO!
>  http://www.akaMail.com/pgpkey/davidg or key server
>                  for PGP Public key
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