and also instead of just idles of "nop" statements, I believe that it
uses instructions that minimise gate operations which reduces power
consumption and hence heat production.  On my Athlon 1.4 room heater it
means a drop of 2-4 degrees c over a light load.  A kernel complile or
long mp3 encode can mean a rise of 10 degree's c above the idle level
for comparison.  Not a lot of advantage for a desktop, but well worth
while for a laptop.


On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 19:08, Tom Badran wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > I am not a kernel expert, but I would suspect that kapm-idled fulfils the
> > reuirement.  Or perhaps there is yet another idle process buried in the
> > kernel and kapm-idled has another purpose.  Any kernel experts out there
> > care to comment?
> It also does a few other things, but basically that is the jist of it. I 
> believe there are a few ties with apm to measure system use.
> - -- 
> Tom Badran
> Imperial College, Department of Computing
> - -----------------------------------------------
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> $Id:,v 1.32 2001/10/11 19:27:15 bre Exp $

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