On Sat, 2002-03-16 at 12:31, Michael Holt wrote:
> Hey, hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
> I have a question <item number 1000 on my little annoyances list!>, how do 
> you paste a URL into an email using pine?  I love using pine, it's quick 
> to move around and it's pretty easy to configure - but having to re-type 
> long strings instead of just being able to copy/paste is a real pain.
> TIA, Mike

The X standard is to simply highlight the text you want to copy (this
will automatically put it in a "clipboard" buffer), then
middle-mouse-click where you want to paste. This works in every 
application I have ever tried, including the various x-terms, so it
should work in pine. I use this method in gnome-terminal with vi all the

Dave Sherman                          Beware the wrath of dragons,
MCSA, MCSE, CCNA                        for you are crunchy,
Business Solutions Group, LLC           and good with ketchup.

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