OK, I have always been stuck with either localhost or whatever name my dhcp 
server gives me (today I am d152-159).  I would LIKE to give myself an alias 
of my choice but every time I've made any moves in that direction, it borks 
my system.  KDE chokes and cannot connect to itself anymore, no new konsoles, 
inability to contact my mail provider, and other sorts of networking-related 
pain.  All I did was set my alias using linuxconf!  An ALIAS dorks networking 
and the system?!
  Doing a "man hostname" doesn't give me anything useful.  I try "hostname -a 
<my desired alias>" and it returns nothing but a blank line.  I edit 
/etc/hosts and try to add/change the alias there.  No good (and its gone next 
startup).  What is the magic trick to naming my system whatever I want to?


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