On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 03:34, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

I'm amazed that this is the Expert list and yet no one in this thread as
of today has suggested using plain old "dd" and the partition devices. 
I just completed a ghosting operation a while back on some proprietary
hardware running nt4 partitions using dd and the hd devices.


dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1

if stands for "input file".  of is of course "output file".

Depending on the size of these partitions it might take awhile, but it
works.  This does clone the partition in question; be it vfat, NT or

> On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 00:44, James wrote: Ok I took the plunge and
> bought a monster drive today. Which means 3 4 gig and one 6 gig drive
> can semi retire (one retired itself that's why I took the plunge) What
> I'm hoping is that there is a way to clone the drive that has my / and
> /boot partitions. (I'm keeping the 6 as /home for myself alone) In the
> windwoze world there is ghost. Is there anything like that in Linux?
> Searches on Freshmeat and google haven't turned up anything in English.
> (or even french or german that I can half way muddle through) Anyone
> here have an answer to how to clone the drive so that I do not have to
> reconfigure/install the whole mess (*grin*) all over again. I'm kinda
> racing the clock on this drive as it's about 4 years old and starting to
> get a bit cranky. 

> James



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