> Michael Holt wrote:
> > I do have
> > another question; I've read books that say they've were written using vi
> > and I started wondering if you could actually apply fonts and control size
> > of fonts as well as italics, bold, etc.  Is that possible?  Does vi have
> > something built in that will allow you to format a document?

AFAIK (and like J. Craig Woods said) there is nothing built into vi to
let you do those kind of things.  I can imagine that someone who writes
a book in vi uses one of two approaches (or a combination of the two):

   * Use vi to write the book in plain ASCII text, then move the plain
ASCII text to another application to apply fancy formatting.  (I often
found this a useful approach even in a word processor, at least until I
learned to use styles effectively.  Content is the most important thing,
after you get the content right, then do the formatting, hopefully to
enhance the meaning and readability of the document.)

   * Use vi to write the book in plain ASCII but add tags (manually or
semi-automatically using macros or whatever) to support a markup
language like DocBook, LinuxDoc, HTML, LaTeX, or whatever.  You know the
tags I mean, things like:

There are ways to run arbitrary Linux or other commands on a (remote)
web server from your browser by:
<li> creating a cgi script with the desired commands 
<li> using a tool like CGI-Telnet

To me, this is not a fun approach.

Randy Kramer

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