Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> The government has become increasingly intrusive over the last 20 years.
> Taxes are beyond intolerable; they are now insane. Not only that, but
> it's clear that the democrats are out to increase taxes further and do
> away with our personal freedoms; second amendment, digital, and
> otherwise.  The one thing that the US government is supposed to do well
> is protect the people.  So basically the government has failed miserably
> to do the one thing that we pay taxes and elect our officials to do; and
> that is protect the people.  M$ now has a carte blanc to continue it's
> rape.  A license for criminal activity.
> To top it all off, there is an Enron bomb simmering at the massive M$
> organization that has been hushed up for years; and continues on to this
> day.  A highly respected CPA has been attempting to blow the lid on this
> one since 1999.  Yet no one seems to have the balls to bring it into the
> limelight; note that the top execs (including Gates) of M$ have been
> quietly selling off their stock in the company, as you check out the
> following URL:
> See:
> The wrong people have *bought* control of the legislation system.  Now
> you guys can get ready for a barrage of laws to be introduced that will
> legislate Linux and open source out of existence.  They may not get the
> Consumer Broadband and the DMCA through, but they are going to hit us
> with such a barrage of new legislation that something is probably going
> to be slimed through the cracks.  So keep your eyes peeled; it's coming.
> The only answer that possibly may be there is to GET THESE PARASITES OUT
> OF OFFICE.  Offenders such as Daschel, Gephardt, and Hollings should be
> gotten out of power.  This will require conscious political activism.

Normally I usually scale down the replied to posting but in this case, I 
am running it one more time, just in case anyone missed it the first 
time around. The relevance of this issue goes straight to the future of 
Linux. Whenever power see its ascendency threatened, it natural instinct 
is to eradicate the source of that threat. Do not take this issue 
lightly. The quintessential American value is at stake: choice.

As per usual, the LX_man is right on, and yes, David, age does engender 
some strange manifestations, i.e. I can recall JL's words with 
remarkable clarity: power to the people...

Dr John,
The Night Tripper

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