Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 14:02, Gregorio Perez Aguilera wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>After a lot of help and some extra investigation I found a way to use my 
>>HPT raid on Mandrake 8.2. It was simple:
>>modprobe ataraid
>>modprobe hptraid
>>and mounting the 2 NTFS partitions I have:
>>[root@Gamusino etc]# mount -t ntfs /dev/ataraid/disc0/part5 /mnt/windows_raid_e
>>[root@Gamusino etc]# mount -t ntfs /dev/ataraid/disc0/part1 /mnt/windows_raid_d
>>All of this worked and I have access to tese disks.
>>But now I want to mount it at boot time putting the following 2 lines in the fstab 
>>/dev/ataraid/disc0/part1 /mnt/windows_raid_d ntfs 
>iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
>>/dev/ataraid/disc0/part5 /mnt/windows_raid_e ntfs 
>iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
>>but it doesn't work for me:
>>In English: mount: incorrect filesystem type, incorrect option, incorrect superblock 
>or excessive 
>>number of filesystems. (or so on)
>>Any of you knwo what is the problem?
>One problem that I can think of immediately is that you are not loading
>the modules early enough in the boot process.  What I would suggest is
>putting those modules into a new initrd.  This means you need to get
>familiar with the idiosyncracies of the mkinitrd command, if you are not
Sorry for the delay replying this mail. I'm a bit bussy :-) First of all 
thanks for your awnser.
I also put the 2 modules (ataraid and hptraid) and these are loaded 
every time I restart. Look:
[root@Gamusino root]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P 
hptraid                10816   0
ataraid                 6752   0  [hptraid]
. (and more)

And these after the mount commands:
[root@Gamusino root]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P 
hptraid                10816   2
ataraid                 6752   2  [hptraid]
. (and more)

But the command "mount -a" doesn't work for me (with the previous fstab 
entries I detailed in my prior e-mail).
After I login I don't think the issue is the time the modules are loaded 
in boot time...

>What would help also would be for you to decompress the existing initrd
>file that you have and mount it via the loop device(s).  After you do
>that you can have a peek inside the initrd filesystem and see what
>exactly is going on.  This also will let you see what modules are
>already there, thus giving you the opportunity to place those in your
>new initrd file.
>There are other ways to get that information, but IMO there's nothing
>like looking inside the initrd filesystem itself.
I'm a bit affraid about about modifying the initrd.

>Anyway, that should fix your problem...

While I was writing this e-mail I found what is the problem: after 
replacing the /etc/fstab lines

/dev/ataraid/disc0/part1 /mnt/windows_raid_d ntfs 
iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part5 /mnt/windows_raid_e ntfs 
iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0


/dev/ataraid/disc0/part5 /mnt/windows_raid_e ntfs rw 0 0
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part1 /mnt/windows_raid_d ntfs rw 0 0

All worked fine.
I suppose some of the res of the parameters were not right.
Problem solved! :-)

>>Thanks in advance
>>PS: I guess some of the messages (and thaks for some replys) I sent using my ISP's 
>provided mail never arrived to this list.
>>So tanks for the previous responses you send me. I'm going to repost this using 
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