daRcmaTTeR wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Jim Dawson wrote:
> > And while we're at it let's start a grass roots campaign to get the Mafia to stop 
>thier unsavory business practices as well...
> >
> > They don't care what anyone thinks. As long as the money keeps piling in they're 

I agree, but...

> Jim,
> I hope you don't really believe that. they didn't use to care what people
> thought of Linux, but they sure grapes are green what the Penguin is doing
> in the desktop world. ergo, Balmer making the worlds biggest ass of
> himself in the now infamous "Linux is a cancer" speech.
> --
> daRcmaTTeR
> ----------
> Registered Linux User 182496

daRc is right also. I'm sure that MS -wants- users to believe that nothing will
change. We only have ourselves to blame if we don't try to make changes or
influence others... Its like your vote, its meaningless unless you actually use
it... ;-)

Don't get discouraged friend, there are more of us out there than you know!


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