> Running LM 7.2, I noticed yesterday, while running ps
> to see what was the status of the system, that the
> jobs were listed with one startup time (the actual
> correct time at which I booted the machine) at some
> point and, running ps again a few hours later, the very
> same jobs were listed with a startup time some 2 hours

What were the names of some of the jobs?

Some jobs are run in a special mode (IIUC, daemon mode?).  They are
often network / server type jobs.  A supervisor task like inetd or
xinetd watches the appropriate ports of your machine and, for example,
starts a telnet daemon (or process) when it sees traffic on the
appropriate port (which I can't recall immediately).

I suspect other processes might be programmed to work in a similar
fashion.  I assume, but don't know that this would be one cause of the
behavior you describe.

Another could be, for example, if a job is started by cron, or if you
are looking at a subprocess of another process -- the main process might
run continuously but only occasionally invoke the sub-process.

With the names of the jobs in question, someone might be able to be more

Randy Kramer

BTW: No offense intended, but this strikes me as close to a newbie level
question (unless the details that you haven't provided so far indicate
otherwise).   What made you post it on "expert"?  Again, no offense, and
I don't consider myself an expert, but I usually try to post my
questions to what I think is the more appropriate list, and if that was
newbie, "escalate" it to expert only if I don't get a satisfactory
response on newbie.   Seems to me that was the intent of having a newbie
and an expert list, and probably helps to avoid traffic for experts that
don't want to be bothered with newbie level questions.  (There are very
expert people who lurk on the newbie list and answer questions.)  If I
misunderstand the reason for the two lists, maybe one of the list
veterans can provide a different insight?

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