does this apply to ProFTPD as well, or should I switch to PureFTP?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lyvim Xaphir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ExpertMandrake-List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] ftpd question

> On Sun, 2002-06-30 at 18:33, logic7 wrote:
> > I've just set up my ftp server with real logins only. What I would like
> > have is whenever someone logs in, they don't see their home directory.
> > Instead, I want all users to share a common directory. I cannot seem to
> > info on this anywhere, anyone know how this is done?
> >
> From the PureFTP "README.Virtual-Users" file:
>        ------------------------ VIRTUAL USERS ------------------------
> Since release 0.99.2, Pure-FTPd supports virtual users.
> Virtual users is a simple mechanism to store a list of users, with their
> password, name, uid, directory, etc. It's just like /etc/passwd. But
> it's not /etc/passwd. It's a different file, only for FTP.
> It means that you can easily create FTP-only accounts without messing
> your system accounts.
> Additionnaly, virtual users files can store individual quotas, ratios,
> bandwidth, etc. System accounts can't do this.
> Thousands of virtual users can share the same system user, as long as
> they all are chrooted, and they have their own home directory.
> So a good thing to do before using virtual users is to create a system
> user for this. Of course, you can use any existing account like "nobody"
> (but not root), but it's better to have a dedicated account.
> Let's create an "ftpgroup" group and an "ftpuser" user.
> Linux/OpenBSD :
> groupadd ftpgroup
> useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
> Then, all maintenance of virtual users can be made with the "pure-pw"
> command. You can also edit the files by hand if you want.
> Files storing virtual users have one line per user. These lines have the
> following syntax :
> <account>:<password>:<uid>:<gid>:<gecos>:<home directory>:<upload
> bandwidth>:<download bandwidth>:<upload ratio>:<download ratio>:<max
> number of connections>:<files quota>:<size quota>:<authorized local
> IPs>:<refused local IPs>:<authorized client IPs>:<refused client
> IPs>:<time restrictions>
> Fields can be left empty (exceptions: account, password, uid, gid, home
> directory) .
> Passwords are compatible with the hashing function used in /etc/passwd
> or /etc/master.passwd . They are crypto hashed with blowfish, md5,
> multiple-des and simple des, in this order, according to what your
> system has support fort.
> _____________________________________________________________________
> RTFM on Pureftp and you got it licked.
> --


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