
I have taken the liberty of quoting this post on WikiLearn, at:


Please see:


Randy Kramer

James wrote:
>   In the past script kiddies have used some of the original capabilities
> of ftp to login, and take over computers.  ie ftp up a program
> (root-kit, etc) then login to the ftp directory compile it and run it.
> When you chroot the program root gets set to the directory the user is
> in.  As far as they are concerned there exists nothing higher on the
> directory tree than where they are This means that if they do manage to
> exploit something the damage they can do is limited to the "jail" that
> they are in.  Other advantages include, but not limited to,
> 1.  They can only use utilities that exist in that chroot jail ie ls ps
> etc are local and any changes made to them aren't going to affect the
> box as a whole. 2.  Nib Nosers can't poke around your box and find your
> secret stash of Britney Spears photo's 3.  breaking out of the jail is
> one more line of defense.
> These are but a few reasons why programs get chrooted.  Chroot is also
> useful if you have rebooted without running lilo first.  It allows you
> to boot from a rescue disk, mount the HDD and run lilo as if your root
> was the mount point instead of the real /

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