On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 13:57, J. Craig Woods wrote:
> Greetings,
> It has been awhile since I built new rpm binaries from the kernel source
> rpm package. After building kernel rpm packages from the
> kernel-, I have noticed that there is no
> kernel headers rpm package. Is this something new, and is it by design?
> If the kernel headers component comes from another package, other than
> the kernel src rpm, would some kind soul please advise..
> Thanks,
> drjung


I seem to recall reading that that kernel headers are now a part of the
glibc-devel package. Can't find confirmation on that using some basic
searches, though.

Dave Sherman               Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, 
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA             for you are crunchy,
                             and good with ketchup.
"lynx -source http://sildara.dyndns.org/davepub.asc | gpg --import"

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