Alexander Skewer wrote:
> et wrote:
>> Western Digital does NOT support linux, the newer drives (ata100) do NOT do
>> proper CRC error checking,  does  and will not warrenty any drive used in
>> Linux for problems with any filesystem other than fat16, NTFS, fat32,

ok, et, who does warranty hdd in linux?? not intent to offensively question
your knowledge, just that i have read it elsewhere, ?? ;)

> Ah, yes, that's what I remembered.  Thanks a lot; so I'll not buy WD.

ata100 was not around

> "back in the days" with WD harddisks.  Do these problems still exist?

ata100 is 'current days'. :)

ata100 is not ata100 thru _all_ ata100 'standard' systems along with
other problems by chipset oems, mainboard oems, hd oems, wd among.

when in doubt, ask, search...

i recall civ's comments. have on this system in oos archives. problem
of searching, do not have a good branching filter for msbsos. could
run in linux if nothing pops up for you and their is desire need.

wmrtgt. mbs.

do trust wd to know if they have an ata100 interface problem. trust it
to be a problem they are working on. no sales in linux is not good, tho
they may not admit openly to it. they will not stay 'non-compatible'.

irc, search zdnet site for article. eweek ran it. serveral zdnet
news list ran links to wd/ata100/?linux?.

peace out, rocky.


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