I've got this problem as well, only it is happening with a share that still 
exists.  As far as I can tell, it seems to be the case that our NT server is 
dropping the connection after some inactivity, and Samba can't re-establish 
for some reason...

Anyhow, for me, I just use umount with the "-l" option.  After that, I'm able 
to re-mount the share and it works just fine (until it times out again...)

If anyone knows a real fix for this, I'd love to hear it...


On Sunday 28 July 2002 11:09 pm, Rob Gillen wrote:
> I've seen a problem for many different versions (latest 8.2) of Mandrake
> with Samba before, and I may have even inquired about it before.
>  Whether it is a problem with Samba I have no idea, but I suspect not.
>  I'm trying to get some info/advice about what might be potentially the
> problem before going to Samba mailing lists to query them.
> Some of you might already be familiar with the strange way that Linux
> will often disallow umount-ing or listing directory contents of a
> mounted smb share, returning the error text, "Input/output error."  I
> believe this error happens when a smb share is mounted, then that remote
> share is removed.  This is a seriously annoying problem, because
> restarting Samba does not solve the problem, nor does changing
> runlevels.  Which is why I think it may be a kernel-level problem.  I
> have tried changing the runlevel to [S]ingle level user, which is
> running pretty much nothing save kernel processes and a simple shell.
>  At this level, a 'mount' command still shows the shares to be mounted,
> and also at this level it is still impossible to umount them.  The only
> solution that I have found so far is rebooting, which I think is an
> unacceptable way to handle such a problem.

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