Rob Gillen wrote on Sun, Jul 28, 2002 at 11:09:16PM -0400 :
> Some of you might already be familiar with the strange way that Linux 
> will often disallow umount-ing or listing directory contents of a 
> mounted smb share, returning the error text, "Input/output error."  I 
> believe this error happens when a smb share is mounted, then that remote 
> share is removed.  This is a seriously annoying problem, because 
> restarting Samba does not solve the problem, nor does changing 
> runlevels.  Which is why I think it may be a kernel-level problem.  I 
> have tried changing the runlevel to [S]ingle level user, which is 
> running pretty much nothing save kernel processes and a simple shell. 
> At this level, a 'mount' command still shows the shares to be mounted, 
> and also at this level it is still impossible to umount them.  The only 

umount -f

> solution that I have found so far is rebooting, which I think is an 
> unacceptable way to handle such a problem.

Yes, it is a kernel issue.  mount is something that is done by the
kernel, but calling it a problem doesn't seem right.  It is a design
decision, not a problem.  It HAS to be in the kernel because of the way
that mounts are treated by Linux.

> Now the interesting part.  During the time that I could not remove the 
> unmountable mounted smb shares, the dhcpd daemon also seemed to start 
> malfunctioning.  On the Mandrake box, everything seemed fine (that is, I 
> restarted the dhcpd daemon which had no complaints during the restart). 
> But none of the other machines that get served on the network from it 
> were getting addresses.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to sniff packets, 
> so I don't know what kind of communication (or lack thereof) was 
> occurring.  It was a frustrating exercise trying to figure out why my 
> other boxes were not getting addresses.  Strangely enough, when I 
> rebooted the Mandrake box again, everything worked as normal -- the 
> other boxes got their IP addresses fine.

Read /var/log/messages.  dhcpd may have started properly, but I'll bet
that it didn't stay running for whatever reason.

> I don't know for sure if the dhcpd thing was related to the smb mount 
> problem, but I'll try to repeat the problem and see if it recurs.  If 
> anybody has seen the same problem or something similar, I would 
> appreciate it if you could share how you resolved it.

I doubt it too, but I'm interested to see what /var/log/messages says
about it.  Also, did you do a 'netstat -lnp' to see if dhcpd was
actually bound to a port and listening?

Blue skies...           Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.2mdk Kernel 2.4.18-21mdk

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