Todd Lyons wrote:
> Damian G wrote on Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 08:42:24PM -0300 :
>>does anybody know if the final 9.0 release will include a preemptible kernel?
>>i've heard great things about the pre-emptible patch for linux ... and i'm still
> I don't know for certain that it will or will not, but I just looked
> through the current Cooker kernel and I did not see the preemptible
> patch applied.
> You do realize that using this patch pretty much prevents the machine
> from being used as a high capacity server.  It allow the kernel to be
> pulled away from "unimportant" things to take care of "really important"
> things like your desktop.  Hardly an acceptable compromise on a server.

This is totally untrue. In fact the preemptive kernel has been added to 
the 2.5 series and will be in 2.6 because it results in better 
preformance and lower latency. Much of userspace is spent in kernel 
space getting IO done. A preemptive kernel allows any process to be 
interrupted even while in the kernel. For example, when X needs to draw 
some stuff to the video card, that is done at a lower level in the 
kernel. A non-premptive kernel would not be able to interupt the process 
while it was in kernel space. The preeptive kernel can.

Example of fully premptive kernel: Solaris, among many others....

Some more stuff to read: <- kernel locking <- Sample chapter
        on Solaris Kernel internals <- more links of how linux preemptive
        kernel works
Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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