I am trying to update from libopenssl0-0.9.6b-1.1mdk and 
libopenssl0-devel-0.9.6b-1.1mdk to 0.9.6b-1.3mdk per Mandrake Advisory 
MDKSA-2002:046-1 for Mandrake Linux 8.1. I did get openssl-0.9.6b-1.1mdk to 
upgrade to 0.9.6b-1.3mdk but when I try to upgrade the libopenssl0 package 
with rpm -Fvh libopenssl0*-0.9.6b-1.3mdk.i586.rpm, all that happens is that 
I'm returned to the command prompt with no action performed. I tried rpm 
--rebuilddb but that didn't help either. I think this is why my Apache server 
won't start anymore, also (see below).

Shutting down httpd-perl:  [60G[   [1;32mOK [0;39m  ] 
Starting httpd-perl:  [60G[   [1;32mOK [0;39m  ] 
Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 58 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/extramodules/libssl.so into server: 
/etc/httpd/extramodules/libssl.so: undefined symbol: sk_X509_NAME_value
 [60G[ [1;31mFAILED [0;39m] 
Syntax error on line 58 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/extramodules/libssl.so into server: 
/etc/httpd/extramodules/libssl.so: undefined symbol: sk_X509_NAME_value
 [60G[ [1;31mFAILED [0;39m] 
Syntax error on line 58 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/extramodules/libssl.so into server: 
/etc/httpd/extramodules/libssl.so: undefined symbol: sk_X509_NAME_value
 [60G[ [1;31mFAILED [0;39m] 

 Any suggestions?

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