On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 07:07, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I have installed and am using the hylafax package on my 8.2 system.  I have 
> never used this software before, nor any other linux fax software.  I have 
> tried sending a fax via CLI (which appears to be the only method available) 
> but do not yet know whether or not I was successful.  As for receiving a 
> fax...
> Are there any GUIs for hylafax?  I have seen several listed for efax and 
> sendfax, but since I am using hylafax, I have simply fax (ie, "fax send 
> <number> <filename>".  Simple enough in principal but I would prefer a 
> frontend that anyone could use (I wont get my wife to do CLI stuff).
> Is there any such beast as a graphical frontend to the hylafax package? It 
> would need to deal with received faxes too, not just sending faxes (be nice 
> to preview what the fax program is planning to send).


If you check www.hylafax.org, you will find a link to several GUI
front-ends, for both Windows and *nix. They generally either use a
shared network printer emulation, or a Samba shared folder for incoming
and outgoing faxes. You can also set up HylaFax to receive email, and
automatically fax an email message if it is in the proper format.

On my system, received faxes are emailed to the fax admin as attachments
(they can also be accessed through a Samba network share, either in
Network Neighborhood or using one of the GUI clients). Faxes are sent
using the GUI front-end (which is Samba-based) or simply via Network
Neighborhood, placing the outgoing fax into a network shared for
outgoing faxes.

All in all, HylaFax is a pretty slick package with tons of
functionality, if a bit complicated at times.

Dave Sherman               Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, 
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA             for you are crunchy,
                             and good with ketchup.

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