On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Praedor Tempus uttered these words of wisdom:

>I have installed and am using the hylafax package on my 8.2 system.  I have 
>never used this software before, nor any other linux fax software.  I have 
>tried sending a fax via CLI (which appears to be the only method available) 
>but do not yet know whether or not I was successful.  As for receiving a 
>Are there any GUIs for hylafax?  I have seen several listed for efax and 
>sendfax, but since I am using hylafax, I have simply fax (ie, "fax send 
><number> <filename>".  Simple enough in principal but I would prefer a 
>frontend that anyone could use (I wont get my wife to do CLI stuff).
>Is there any such beast as a graphical frontend to the hylafax package? It 
>would need to deal with received faxes too, not just sending faxes (be nice 
>to preview what the fax program is planning to send).

I've just recently setup hylafax on my laptop but I don't really use it
that often, so I'm wingin' it.  I use Staroffice 6.0 and just setup
another printer for faxes.  When you fax, you just hit print and then
select fax and it will bring up a dialog box asking for the number.  From
there, I use gfax to see the job status.  I hope this helps.


Michael Holt
Banning, CA                        (o_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (o_  (o_  //\    
www.holt-tech.net        (/)_ (/)_ V_/_    www.mandrake.com     

  "AOL for Dummies" is kind of redundant, don't you think?

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