On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 12:09, Franki wrote:

> So, my question is this.. does anyone know of a modern up to date doc on
> samba/winbind PDC with ldap ???
> everything I have read seems to be dated around 2.2.0 which is missing most
> of the stuff thats cool now.

I would think if you installed the samba-doc package, that would be up
to date and have plenty on info for you. I used those docs to learn an
earlier version of Samba, and it was more than enough to teach me how to
set up a PDC on my home server.

The doc package includes the full text of the O'Reilly Samba book (at
least it did then), so you really can't go wrong by installing it and
checking it out.

Dave Sherman        |     "They that can give up essential liberty
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA    |       to obtain a little temporary safety
                    |       deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                    |        - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

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