I'd also suggest preparing management for a new box -- classic pentiums
are fine for C apps but real dogs when it comes to Perl.


On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 13:20, Franki wrote:
> well, There is a new version of amavis-new coming out in the next week..
> Generally, amavis-new is an antivirus interface for MTA's, with spamassasin
> support..
> however, the new version coming out makes the antivirus or spamassasin
> optional..
> in other words, you can use it just as a spam filter for postfix (using
> content filter)...
> so I'd get an old box, put postfix and amavis-new/spamassasin on it..
> then stick it in the middle of your existing system to tag spam as such...
> it should work seamlessly.. wait for a week, and do a search for amavis-new.
> I have been using older versions for antivir scanning for ages, it has
> stopped thousands of copies of
> klez and bugbear in its time... :-)
> rgds
> Frank
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:expert-owner@;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Ken Hawkins
> Sent: Friday, 1 November 2002 1:51 AM
> To: mandrake expert
> Subject: [expert] Spamassassin
> Sorry if this is a repeat posting; suffering mail hiccups.
> Im Looking for some help/advice...
> New project put on my desk this morning....
> Management want spam controlled better than current method, co-worker
> (sys admin) doesn't want to change over mail system wholesale.
> Current setup
> In:
> INTERNET--->Webshield(Antivirus on W2K)--->OpenVMS(VAX POP system)--->User
> Out:
> INTERNET<-----OpenVMS(SMTP)<-----------Webshield(Antivirus on W2K)<---User
> The request is to place SpamAssassin somewhere in the middle, before or
> after the W2K server.
> I have CD's for MDK 7.2, 8.2, and 9.0. The available box is a 1st
> generation pentium. The box would be dedicated to the 1 program.
> Management is NOT prepared to move off the VAX/OpenVMS email server.
> I am looking for suggestion/ideas on setup. I am NOT a guru, and
> couldn't program my way out of a wet paper bag 8^], but I do know my way
> around the file system, and can even get by at CLI with no mouse....
> Thanks in advance
> Ken
> ----

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Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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