On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 04:27 PM, Jim Tarvid wrote:

I had three reboots last night due to a nasty power outage.

In two of the three cases, named loaded zones (180) slowly and httpd had
trouble with name resoltion (130 virtuals) (makes sense). In both cases, the
machine could be made functional by stopping and starting named and httpd,
maybe more than once.

In the third case, the machine came up flawlessly.

This has happened before on different hardware.

I am beginning to blame BIND 9.2.1.

I am mulling my options.

1) find a named replacement
djbdns is nice.  And fast.  And secure.  And fast.

2) move named to a separate server
3) not start either on boot up and write a script to make sure the zones load
properly before starting httpd
4) abandon mandrake as a server OS
Any of these would work, except for the last one. I don't think it's Mandrake that is causing your problem... I've got djbdns running on all three webservers, each with their own local cache, and two of them as DNS servers for the domains I host. No problems at all, and they run, boot up, shut down, etc. all without problems. The servers are all mdk8.2, so I'm quite certain that #4 probably wouldn't make much difference. Moving named to a seperate server, or replacing named with something else (<hint>djbdns</hint> would probably be your best solutions.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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