On 22 Nov 2002 11:33:02 -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
>On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 01:32, Donna and Matthew Persico wrote:
>>Turns out that after I wrote, I found the AutoInst disk I made
>>two installs ago. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and
>>discovered that it is nothing more than a PERL SCRIPT!!!! It's just
>>array of rpms in no discernible order. Soooooo, I simply did
>>    rpm -qa | perl -ane '$F[0]=~s/-[0-9].*//;print "$F[0]\n" | sort -u
>>and then slapped the whole mess into the auto_inst.cfg file, taking
>>care to remove the few rpms that were not on the installation disk.
>>Touchdown, ballgame over. Well, not quite. After I did that, I took
>>the machine apart and started transplanting the pieces into the
>>machine only to discover that the old machine had an AGP1 video
>>and the new machine is an AGP2/4. So, the port is on hold until I
>>buy a new video card tomorrow.
>>Thanks for your assistance.
>>Matthew O. Persico
>You're welcome, and I appreciate greatly the command line above!  It
>will be handy in future installs I am sure.  :)

Well if you think THAT was handy, how about a version that spits out the correct perl 
in one shot, no editing needed:

rpm -qa | perl -ane 'BEGIN{print "\$o = { \"default_packages\" => [\n";} END{print 
"]};"}$F[0]=~s/-[0-9].*//;print "\"$F[0]\",\n"' > auto_inst.cfg

Matthew O. Persico

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