On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 18:48, Jim C wrote:
> Jack Coates wrote:
> > I know the shorewall question can be resolved, but as KevinO points out
> > it shouldn't be resolved by someone who's not fully aware of the issues
> > at stake.
> > 
> > In the last five days I've gotten nearly a thousand denied attempts to
> > relay spam mail through my server clogging up my logs right now in
> You've also not considered that as a graduate student, I might literally 
> have more important things to do.  Security is on my hit list but 
> unfortunately it is not at the top.  Graduation is. ;-)  I do use 
> firewalls on my some of my clients that are windows based but the 
> learning curve for linux based firewalls prevents.

actually, I have considered this, which is why I recommended that you
just buy a firewall. If you want plug and play convenience, it comes in
a cellophane-wrapped box.

> I tell you what. :-) If it concerns you so much I will be happy to use 
> any configuration you are willing to provide that allows samba on the 
> intranet and blocks it from the internet and also does internet 
> connection sharing and SSH/SFTP.  Eventually I would like to use tcp 
> wrappers for this sort of thing, though.

and I also recommended Monmotha for a reason :-) It's a lot easier than
shorewall because it only battens down the external interface.

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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