Hi List,

Maybe I've been hackin at this a wee bit too long, but I just can't seem to figure out why this command isn't performing just the way its supposed. At any rate I'm working on a bash script to run my tape back up and I want "ls" to load all the directory names into a variable which I then intend to step through with a for statement looking for a specific value. However, "ls" doesn't appear to be returning JUST directory names when this command is issued:

ls -d /home/mdw1982/*

The output returned looks like this:

[mdw1982@mdw1982 bin]$ ls -d ../*
../arc_1/ ../gpg.tgz ../mp3/ ../temp/
../arc_2/ ../Iptables.zip ../newln~* ../Templates
../bin/ ../java_examples.tgz ../procmail/ ../tmp/
../configs/ ../mail/ ../procmail.old ../Trash
../DEADJOE ../mdw1982.asc ../procmailrc-temp ../trolls_text
../dead.letter ../mdw1982_public.asc ../procmailrc-temp~ ../trolls_text~
../Drafts ../mdw1982_secret.asc ../rpm/ ../virus/
../Empire/ ../micq/ ../Sent ../webdev
../fetchmailrc.tgz ../moron_response ../Sent Items ../www/

As you can see it's returning everything that is in the directory instead of just the directory names present in that directory.

Any ideas...comments...epiphanies?



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