
Wich compiler are you using??
I use to have problems with it a long time ago. 
Try to see wich are the options that the 2.4.19-24mdk.src.rpm package
use to generate the binary package. 

El Vie 21 Feb 2003 11:58, Praedor Atrebates escribió:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 20 February 2003 08:07 pm, Vincent Danen wrote:
> > On Thu Feb 20, 2003 at 10:58:03AM -0500, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > Have people actually managed to BUILD 2.4.19-24mdk and use it?  Or are
> > > you simply using the binary version.  What did MandrakeSoft do to get
> > > it to build and actually work, if this is the case?  To what god(s) did
> > > they offer sacrifice to so that it would work on any hardware at all?
> >
> > I built the 2.4.19-24mdk packages.  They took a while, but they built
> > (from rpm).  I rebuilt them once from source as a test to make sure they
> > built, but I don't recall if I booted from that compiled version or not.
> >
> > I have installed the binary package in vmware, on an "enterprise"
> > machine, on an "smp" machine, and on an "up" machine.  In all cases,
> > everything worked just peachy.
> >
> > You seem to have a lot of problems with Linux that I just never come
> > across. I see quite often you having problems with stuff on the list.
> > Perhaps your luck just isn't very good.  =)
> >
> > Seriously, a number of people tested this kernel before we put it out. 
> > We can't test every piece of hardware out there, but anything major we
> > can usually spot quite quickly.  I don't know why it doesn't work for
> > you.
> The hardware is new but still old enough to have proven itself over time. 
> I have tried completely removing the source package, kernel modules
> directory, source, etc, and then reinstalling the kernel-source rpm, and
> redoing the build.
> I have always ultimately rebuilt my own kernels, first from tarballs and
> more recently, from source rpms.  It has only really been with 9.0 and the
> 2.4.19+ kernels that I have had problems.  I had to dump my XFS filesystem
> to get a custom-built 2.4.19 9.0 kernel to work with my system (known issue
> - the kernel makefile indicates that for xfs support - and thus the whole
> kernel as a result, should be built with egcc?! Who uses that anymore?  I
> thought that it and gcc had been merged over a year ago).
> In any case, the harddrive is new, the system memory is sound, the CPU is
> sound, the video card is sound (NVidia Ti4200).
> I was hoping someone would have run into this sort of kernel-uselessness
> situation and also found a way out of it.  I am reluctant to simply install
> a binary kernel.  They don't tend to work very well with my wireless
> devices.
> praedor
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+Vj6cwDUPEkSvRHERAhirAJ9CS8kli7h97eqT6vg/pfAI38aelgCgjjKA
> 8Bas4IMVBoJeJz8IuJKpb4c=
> =SNpa

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