On this topic, does anybody know of any project that aims to be a
drop-in replacement for exchange? I run an all Linux IT shop EXCEXT for
Exchange because our sales people are literally attached to the hip with
Blackberries. If there is a project out there that looks to do exchange
to the letter (ldap, mapi, pop, imap, yada yada . .) That will get
people's attention. Especially mine. 


On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 09:32, Norman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been asked if I can set up a Linux box to replace an NT server.
> What has been requested is that it be file server, mail server, print server and 
> firewall 
> and that external users should be able to access their mail and data.
> I think that as the PC's ( 10 ) are running win95 and win98 I can use Samba without 
> problems and that the printer, which is a nearly new Samsung, Linux compatible 
> Laserjet
> can be accessed under cups.
> I have recommended that they use a separate PC for the firewall and am thinking of 
> using 
> smoothwall. I do not know whether the free version would be ok or whether I should 
> get the 
> commercial version.
> What I am puzzled about is the mail server. I have not used one myself and do not 
> know if 
> any of them, qmail, sendmail etc can talk to outlook or messenger.I have not seen 
> the 
> setup they have so am relying on the guy having given me the correct information at 
> this 
> stage. They would be happy for me to set up a new PC to do this job and I am keen to 
> have 
> a go. As far as I know this will be the first one in my area and want to encourage 
> the use 
> of Linux.
> Any ideas?
> tia

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