On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 14:26, J. Craig Woods wrote:
> Todd Lyons wrote:
> > 
> > The other guy has my intent correct:  I'm not saying my way is the only
> > way.  I would be Todd Gates if that was the case.  Instead, I'm saying I
> > recommend this way because you should _think_ about putting a system
> > together, no just throw it all together helter skelter. (insert cliche
> > about eggs and a basket)
> > 
> > Blue skies...                       Todd
> > - -- 
> Hell, Todd, I thought "Gates" was your name. I guess it would be to no 
> avail to ask for that million dollar loan I needed, eh?
> drjung


   I knew he wasn't a Gates as soon as he said something that indicated
he could program in something other than Basic.  *grin*


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