
I myself disagree with France's actions in the Security Councel and have a
personality inclined to boycotting. Nevertheless, the Linux cause--and
Mandrake specifically--is far more important than the expression of
political disagreement. Remember how Perot split the Republican vote and
allowed Clinton to win? We Linux users don't want to do M$ any favors by
dividing ourselves on Mandrake. Unlike Red Hat (which is your only real
alternative) Mandrake's work directly challenges Winsux on the desktop, and
it aims at making Linux as easy to use as possible via draktools, etc. We
_must_ support that fight. If France says no to military action, America
will go anyway and succeed. If we say no to Mandrake, then we're hurting

The French gov't may be on a crusade to obstruct America's plans, but
Mandrake's cause is to provide computing freedom, and that's a just cause.
If you want to boycott France, withhold vacation and wine dollars. But I'd
ask you not to cut of your nose to spite your face as it relates to


Ric Tibbetts wrote:
>I'm making a statement of personal/political basis.
>I'm personally boycotting Mandrake Linux. When the French remember who
>their firends are, and support them, then perhaps this American will
>return, and support the French again.
>Until then, you can kiss "my" American dollars good-bye.

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